Art is life


Afisa: The Art that Heals the Heart

Afisa finally departing

a project that stems from the conviction that art can make a difference, even in the most difficult places, and that will be active at the Galliera Hospital in Genoa

20 September 2024 to 20 September 2025


Imagine entering a hospital, a place often associated with suffering and illness, and finding yourself surrounded by works of art that inspire you, make you reflect and invite you to express your emotions. This is what ‘Afisa’ wants to offer the patients, operators and family members of the Galliera Hospital in Genoa.
What will we do?
• One year of exhibition in the facilities of the Galliera Hospital in Genoa
• Collection and cataloguing of unique pieces, resulting from the interventions of hospital visitors directly on the works.
• Production and publication of a book documenting the experience.

Want to know more? Read about the project on the AFISA page



AFISA non si fermerà alla prima edizione

Desideriamo continuare a proporre il progetto in altri ospedali o in strutture socio assistenziali (case famiglia, comunità educative, gruppi appartamento ecc.).

Per questo abbiamo bisogno di un piccolo aiuto

AFISA ha bisogno di te

Aiutaci con una donazione


IBAN: IT11Q0306909606100000195586

oppure tramite la piattaforma


Anche un piccolo contributo per noi è importante!

L’Invasione dell’Ultrarte II Edizione

Nel 2025 in collaborazione con il CIV Luccoli Genova torneremo a invadere di arte e bellezza la nostra città.


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